USA Swimming and Metropolitan Swimming offer a membership program to help and encourage the economically disadvantaged youth who are unable to afford the USA Swimming membership fees. The program offers qualified athletes the opportunity to become USA Swimming members for $5.00. The goal of the Outreach Program is to promote the identification, recruitment, training and retention of any of America’s minority and disadvantaged youth that shows an interest in swimming and is unable to afford joining a local USA Swimming club. The membership is a year-round membership. Confidentiality of members will be maintained.
Proof of qualification for Outreach Membership can be shown by meeting the following criteria or other circumstances as approved by the Diversity and Inclusion Committee:
Outreach Registration Qualifications
Please provide of one of the following:
Redacted copy of Federal Tax return showing income below Federal Reduced School Lunch income
Eligibility guidelines.
__ Copy of one of the following proof of assistance:
[ ] Aid to Families with Children [ ]Social Security Disability Insurance [ ] Food Stamps
[ ] Temporary Assistance to Needy Families [ ] Supplemental Security Income
[ ] Women, Infant and Children’s Program (WICK) [ ] Medicaid
[ ] Children’s Health Insurance Plan [ ] Section 8 Public Housing [ ] Home Energy Assistance Program [ ] Other [ ] Free/Reduced School Lunch